The goal of this project is to build methodology and guidelines for international inclusive youth volunteering management through research, and a handbook about mental health sensitive approach as a tool for youth workers. The training materials will be tested with youth workers during the project, and both youth and professionals are invited to participate in development process of the materials.
Project results (PR) of the Vol’Go -project
”A state-of-the-art Report on Inclusive Volunteering”, will be the basis for other project results and training materials. The PR1 consists of desk research and field research in all partner countries. As a result, a research-based report will be produced for youth trainers/educators and youth workers that target to offer the content of the guide (PR2) to enhance young people’s volunteering skills, creating inclusive accessible volunteering possibilities, and training materials for youth workers. Read the Vol’Go -report here!
Guide for Inclusive Volunteering for the youth workers on the development of more inclusive volunteering management programs for their non-profit organizations and work with youngsters. Target group of the guide will be volunteer coordinators, youth workers and staff that could need inclusive programs for the appropriate management of their young volunteers facing some form of social exclusion, especially mental health issues. Read the Vol’Go -guide here!
Mental health sensitive approach – The Vol’Go handbook opens the idea of mental health sensitivity , and how the approach provides a sufficient support tool for professionals working with youth and young inclusive volunteers, on national and international level. Vol’Go -handbook aims also at encouraging youth with fewer opportunities and different social barriers on their path of volunteering, by opening the concept and by creating mental health sensitive procedures and structures that ensure the safety and accessibility of the volunteering process. Read the Vol’Go -handbook here!
During the last PR all the phases and prior results of Volunteer and GO! will be combined in one big picture and localized and visualized for use of the partners on national level. All materials will be collected on this website for national and international level dissemination, and networks in all partner countries are being collected and informed about the project results.