Between the 16th and 19th of January 2024 the Volunteer&Go! team has met in Porto, Portugal, for their last in-person meeting.
Representatives from Sosped Foundation, Pista Magica, Standout Education and Mreža MaMa held a two-day evaluation meeting, on which they prepared for project reporting and did an overview of the project results, including research and methodology providing support to youth workers and other experts in implementing inclusive volunteering.

Through the meeting the partners also addressed the question on how to keep the project alive after its conclusion and how to develop it further. The website of Volunteer&Go will continue working and be continuously updated for all youth workers, experts and young volunteers, who want to implement or take part in inclusive volunteering, with materials, helpful tips and insightful articles. The meeting concluded with planning future joint projects addressing the development of inclusive volunteering, also connected to other topics that are currently on the forefront in our societies, like for example migration.

The meeting was hosted by the Portuguese organisation Pista Magica, who made sure all participants felt very welcome and provided some additional insight into Porto culture with interesting study visits, that took place during the meeting.